Did not start:
Did not qualify:
Time of Race: 4h:10:41
Starting Lineup Set By: Time Trials
Fast Qualifier: David Pearson - 34.016 sec.
Preliminary Feature Winners: [[Special:FormEdit/Driver/{{{PrelimWinners}}}|{{{PrelimWinners}}}]]
Heat Winners: [[Special:FormEdit/Driver/{{{HeatWinners}}}|{{{HeatWinners}}}]]
Qualifier Winners: [[Special:FormEdit/Driver/{{{QualWinners}}}|{{{QualWinners}}}]]
Dash Winners: [[Special:FormEdit/Driver/{{{DashWinners}}}|{{{DashWinners}}}]]
Scramble Winners: [[Special:FormEdit/Driver/{{{ScrambleWinners}}}|{{{ScrambleWinners}}}]]
Consi Winners: [[Special:FormEdit/Driver/{{{ConsiWinners}}}|{{{ConsiWinners}}}]]
Non-Qualifiers Race Winners: [[Special:FormEdit/Driver/{{{NonQualWinners}}}|{{{NonQualWinners}}}]]
Margin of Victory: 1.4 seconds
Average Speed: 119.912 mph
Cautions: 9 for 79 laps - not available
Lead Changes: 47 among 11 drivers - David Pearson (1-12); Darrell Waltrip (13-30); Earl Ross (31-36); A.J. Foyt (37-48); Earl Ross (49); Lennie Pond (50); James Hylton (51-55); A.J. Foyt (56-68); Cale Yarborough (69-85); Richard Petty (86); Cale Yarborough (87-94); Johnny Rutherford (95); Darrell Waltrip (96); Cale Yarborough (97); Donnie Allison (98-101); David Pearson (102-113); Donnie Allison (114-116); Bobby Allison (117-140); Donnie Allison (141-148); Bobby Allison (149-150); Donnie Allison (151-154); Cale Yarborough (155-158); Donnie Allison (159-161); Bobby Allison (162-184); Cale Yarborough (185); Bobby Allison (186-189); Cale Yarborough (190); Bobby Allison (191); Cale Yarborough (192-203); Bobby Allison (204-206); David Pearson (207); Bobby Allison (208-209); David Pearson (210-222); Bobby Allison (223-226); Darrell Waltrip (227-231); Donnie Allison (232-237); Darrell Waltrip (238-246); Bobby Allison (247-260); Darrell Waltrip (261-262); Bobby Allison (263); Darrell Waltrip (264); Bobby Allison (265); Darrell Waltrip (266); Donnie Allison (267); Darrell Waltrip (268-269); Richard Petty (270); Donnie Allison (271-281); David Pearson (282-334)
Fastest Lap: Unknown/Unentered
Just after the second lap of the race, Richard Childress and four other drivers wrecked along the front straightaway, strewing their cars across the track making them unavoidable to oncoming traffic, Childress was stranded right in the center of the speedway, Marty Robbins, rounding the corner doing 160, shocked to find four cars completely blocking the race track with nowhere to go, and his car bearing down on the driver's side of Childress car. Robbins recalls quote, "The only thing I knew was that there were people in those wrecked cars in front of me and I couldn't hit one of them because they'd probably not walk away from it”. Childress was quoted said, "I looked down the track and saw Marty coming right at me. I knew if he hit me in the driver's side I'd either be mangled badly or killed. There was no way of me escaping injury and no way out of his path. Then I saw something I am still not sure I can believe”. With a split second to make a decision, and the possibility of killing Childress or someone else if he didn't make some sort of miraculous maneuver, Marty Robbins decided to risk his own life by cutting his steering wheel abruptly and plowing head on at 160 mph into the concrete side wall instead of t-boning into the pile of cars in front of him. Childress also quoted, "Marty turned the wheel of the car right and it veered into the concrete wall”. A hush fell over the crowd as everyone came to their feet to see if Marty Robbins was okay. Then after about a minute, people could see movement inside the car, and Marty was slowly extricated out of the mangled wreckage. The crowd let out a roar as Marty boarded a stretcher from an ambulance and was taken to the infield care center. Marty Robbins was later transferred to the Charlotte Memorial Hospital where he was treated for two broken ribs and a broken tailbone, and Marty received 32 stitches to close a gash between his eyes.